Ever since that fateful Birmingham game, We have slid further and further down. I hate to remind everyone, but we slid from a 5 point lead, to a six point deficit in 3rd. I have heard it said, "if you were offered at the start of the season that you would finish 3rd in the league, one point behind Chelsea, You would take that." What is added in fine print, T+C's if you want, is that you will lose a great striker for 9 MONTHS, have your worst loss/draw streak in 9 YEARS and lose a 5 POINT LEAD from first, I can confidently say that people would rip the contract to shreds. I am going to raise the main excuses or complaints I have read, and I'll leave it up to you in the comments to discuss the most likely reason.
Argument 1) Eduardo's Horrific Injury Damaged Our Focus:
A good point. We are nine minutes into the game, and a late tackle snaps and dislocates his shin bone and ankle. The whole ground goes quiet. Everyone stops. Except of course the medics, who race out and prevent further injury. I mean, Come on, who wouldn't be distracted by that. Thousand and Thousands of support messages rained in, that's how much he meant to Arsenal. His creativity, energy and smart thinking was what was keeping us scoring, and since then, we have drawn and lost from there. We simply haven't been able to find another way to fluently score and defend.
Argument 2) Adebayor Was Lucky/Is No Longer Interested In Scoring:
The amount of time's I have seen this crop up makes it worth a mention. The theory states that Ade was simply in the right place at the right time, which is great if you can do it consistently, but it goes that he was there just luckily and just had to tap it home. The other part is that he has scored over 20 goals, and is now taking it for granted. He is losing focus and is straying offside and losing possession too easily. Because of this, he isn't scoring, and other players, even defenders have to invent new, complex ways of scoring.
Argument 3) Our Squad Is Too Small, And out Cheque Book Glued Shut:
This point speaks for itself. Arsene just isn't committed to bringing in experienced, established players. We long for a wonder signing like Torres, or a team full of stars like Chelsea, or Barca, or Real Madrid. What happens when one of Barca's stars gets injured? they send out another star! Lampard unavailable? "No Problems!" Say Chelsea, they simply bring on Ballack. Arsenal? What happens when, say, Fabregas hypothetically gets injured? We bring out, A) Some 16yr old than no one has ever heard of before, or B) we bring out some guy whos past his prime, Eg, Gilberto. He was BRILLIANT for Brazil for a few good years, but now, sadly, its time for him to move on (sorry!) Arsene's Response? All he fans scream for a Queresma or Ronaldinho, but we buy a 18 year old, who we loan out for a few seasons and leaves us 2 or 3 players short. Again.
Argument 4) The Refs On Our Games Are Biased Gits Or Bribed Blind:
This is the last point I have seen. For Example, In the last few games, Goals that should have been offside aren't, and Goals that aren't offside are disallowed. Unfortunately, we fit into the second category. Also, a player is on the floor, apparently injured. The opposition are weak at the back, taken off guard by the counter attack, yet we pass the ball over the touch line to receive treatment, when he's faking (Isn't there a rule out there for time wasting??). The opposition then kick the ball miles up field, out of play, which is good, but we have to defend heavily to stop them scoring. The player has clearly dived or is faking injury and the Ref completely ignores it. Priceless...
Anyway, that's all I can think of ATM. Drop me a line in the comments about what reason is the most likely. Or, Add another theory that I haven't thought of. Or Just call me a Paranoid Git. :) Whatever your reason, feel free to discuss!
'Till Later Gooners!!
39 minutes ago
Aunti Omi is impressed. I like the way you pose four different arguments. I wish I knew the first things about soccer!
Now I have no excuse not to know about soccer. When will I have to sit the exam?
Aunti omi is looking at teh same time as me. In my typing "teh" = "the" Whwere did the moderator getall this informtion? is this the sign of a wasted youth? The writing is clipped and informative.gj
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