So we beat Everton. Even with a team depleted with injuries from the famous international week that everyone loves... not.
But it was a shaky win, and its got me thinking, where in the team to we pin-point the blame. By that I mean, which part of the team is the least stable, and how can we improve it? Our Center Midfield pairing isnt that great, but with Ramsey and Wilshere coming through, Denilson starting to shine were fine for the moment and Nasri and Walcott are on fire on the wings, so we don't need work there. The obvious answer then is defence, it's just not working and we need to improve fast. But, on the other hand, who can we sign that would improve the defence? Are signings the option required. Obviously, some of the blame must go to Wenger for the dodgy team selections (Song at right back????) but the point is, if the current defensive pairing isn't working, don't you change it? Looking individually at each defender in our team, they all are great, Gallas, Silvestre, Toure, Djourou are all good CB's, and Clichy/Sagna are arguably the best RB/LB's in the Prem at the moment. So why isn't it clicking? I don't have the ideal answer, but the one I do have could work, but it isn't a good one.
Rotation of the back pairing.
Look, I hate to say it, but its looking like our only option at this point in time. Ok, we are winning most of the games, but we need the solidness at the back to consolidate our confidence in going forward. So, my suggestion is this - we give each pairing two games each, one home and away. We know how the Toure/Gallas one is, so that leaves us 2 games Gallas/Silvestre, 2 games Gallas/Djourou, 2 games Silvestre/Djourou, Silvestre/Toure, Toure/Djourou. 10 games in total. While I know that rotation is destabling to a team, it may be the only option we have at the moment, without splashing the cash, which I believe is unnessesary after looking at each of the plaers individually. And look, if one of those is extremely succesful, then stick with it, and we can be more confident going forward, meaning more goals, leading to wins. Right?
Is the "Experiment" worth the risk trying?
Whats your Opinion?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Evertonian win
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Grrr, This Is Harder Than It Seems! But Im back and its one hell of a rant! Laughable Tootenhamm.
I have been extreemely lazy latel, but now I'm going to try to get back into this blogging business.
SOOOOO much has happened since I last threw together a post, and I won't attempt to cover it, but I will cover some issues that have cought my attention.
We Lost To Hull. At Home.
And it was the PERFECT wake up call for the Champions League game a few days later. You know, while I was in shock after that result, I was way more shocked at Theo's hattrick at international level. If he can do that, then why cant Hull sit us in our place?
There was absolutely nothing that we could do about that game, and to be honest, that first goal they scored against us just shows that we should not and can not under estimate ANY team in the league.
No.. I Change My Mind. There are 18 teams in our league that we should be scared of. One Exception.
Tottenham Hotspur.
What a Laugh. Seriously, I was worried over the Transfer Period. They were signing all the good, up-and-coming players, the proven players, and the players that they could afford to get just to play around with. I was most annoyed at them signing dos Santos. Barca upcoming player, loads of skill, ect ect ect. Now look where they've ended up.
Comic Relief Team of the century. SO for that I have two thankyous to make. One to Tottenham. Thankou for distracting us from our pain for lack of signings, fro losinf out #1 spot on the table, ect. You name it, they will ditract us from it. My second Thankyou goes to Hull. Thankyou for sacrificing your relegation spot for them this year. So selfless, I hope you guys stay up.
Finally that 4-0 thrashing of Porto, Well played RvP and Ade, You worked together, and your both getting to your best. However, Ade, I would have liked to see Nik take that Penalty, but oh well, a goals a goal, and Ill take anything, as long as its a win!
Until next time! We have a game against Sunderland. I wouldnt mind seeing Vela and Ramsey getting a run, they were awesome in the CC game, it would be great to see them get some Prem Experience.
Have a good one Gunners, If I still have any readers, I'd be interested to hear any of your ideas or Oppinions. Till then!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Say Goodbye to the Mad German!
By that, I do not mean Oliver Kahn, but his compatriot, rival for top spot, Jens Lehmann. While Arsene did say mid-week that only one player can leave, he says that Jens is "about 99 percent chance to leave". So, while he hasn't been the best this season, he has been a top rate keeper in his time here, and we'll miss you. Now go away silently.
And Don't Come Back!
There are STILL rumors that Theirry Henry is coming back home to Arsenal, more than I like to hear, because that means he will probably come back. While he is quality, he isn't what we want. You can read more here, in a post I did a short while back.
Arsenal played Everton last night, and despite popular belief that they would fight hard, they actually played for a point, from what I have read. Nicholas Bentner, the Danish striker, headed home a thunderbolt, according to Arsenal FC's official website, which proves they speak trash, because no one can do that! It hurts dammit!!
Jokes aside, he did score the only goal 13 minutes from time, and denied Everton the draw they were looking for.
Our season is over, but we can still claim 3rd, if Chelsea lose tonight and next week. I can only hope. However, Man U are temporarily clear at the top, after preventing West Ham doing a double over them.
Well, that's all from me at the moment, feel free to drop me a comment (Please do, even just for feedback purposes), and if its football related, all the better! Until Next Time Gunners!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Well, He's Off!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Derby Time!
It feels like international week again, a lack of news... But it isn't, its just a monday game. They just feel Henry deserves fromt page.
Rumors continue to fly around whether we will or wont keep Flamini or Hleb, but the longer it drags out, the less chance we have. Just a few days remain until Flamini signs or doesnt sign, and Hleb is also going to have talks with Wenger about his future.
With AC Milan poised to sell Kaka, they have also outbidded Juventus for Flamini, as a replacement for Gattuso. Funny to think that Flamini was nicknamed "Flattuso", ater the man he is set to replace.
Well, other than that, there isnt much else, other than the game we have against DERBY!
I think the scoreline will be about 4-0 plus, but it depends on the team Wenger plays... till then!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
We are not goin' any higher!
Chelsea pulled off a win against Man U last night, meaning that we will be moving no higher than third. It is possible that we can slip to fourth, believe it or not, but I feel that is about as likely to happen as Derby winning the Premier league. In other words, 0% chance.
Flamini is still keeping us in the dark, but Arsene has made an improved offer. I don't know whether he'll stay, Wenger keeps saying he wants to stay, Juve keep saying they have nearly signed him and I read in one site that they had already signed him, and the Italian media were going to release it later that day. I'm still waiting to hear it. Either way, its 50/50 at the moment.
Hleb on the other hand I feel is going to stay. I don't knw why, just an impulse, although his incident the other week inicates he is bored with the Prem, so he probably wont stay.
Nice to see people are starting to leave comments, and feel free to keep doing so, or to start if you havent already. Any discussion is welcome, your opinion does count here!
Until next time!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Do we need to sign from other countries?
I was wondering today whether we need to sign some players from other countries of origin, after realising how every season, we are linked to a Frenchman, or an African. Countries seem to have a certain style, German is attacking, Brazilian is free flowing, ect. When it comes to Arsenal, we all seen to have players from one counrty. Almost 90% of our club is either French or African, and I wonder if that makes our style a bit, well, pradictable. When you look at Man U, Chelsea and Liverpool, they all have bought players from diferent places, and they are more successfull in carrying out game plans. We seem to be restricted in that manner. Its almost like the law that states if you want total controll over a team, you bring them in from all over the place, that way they have no way of relating to one another, and it is easier to teach. If we buy from all over, then would it become easier to maintain game plans, easier to get good team chemistry, easier to fool other teams, easier to win titles. Do I have a fair point? I would be interested to hear on this, so if you havent posted a comment yet, maybe now is the time to get your opinion out there! I'll look forward to your thoughts!